Virtual Imatranajo brought together a wide audience
Saturday the 1st of august saw the first ever Virtual Imatranajo event in the Imatra city center, which brought a wide and curious audience to witness the event.
In the finals the top 5 of the Virtual Imatranajo qualification, raced in july, battled for the win on Ride 3 game on an actual motorcycle simulator. The race was against the clock so best laptime won the event. In addition, the event area had plenty of action for the audience, as they got to try their hands on multiple video games ranging from the first ever video game to the modern vr experiences.
The finals were extremely even, with only about 2 seconds separating the top 4.
Final results, Virtual Imatranajo 2020 championship top 5:
1.Atik "Atik77" Velling 2:22.358
2.Juuso "Juuzinho" Rantaniitty 2:23.085
3.Matias "Maahtias" Loponen 2:23.542
4.Sami "Lojo Sam" Heinonen 2:24.413
5.Harri "Harriff12" Suoninen 2:34.342
Audience race top 3:
1.Lasse Väänänen 2:54
2.Sami Mälkiä 2:56
3.Jesse Inkinen ja Jarkko Huuhtanen 2:59
Dirt Rally 2.0 virtual reality race was won by and overwhelming gap by Janne Rissanen with a time of 3:21.4.
Prize for the best 3D drawn motorcycle or car went to Veera Sabelfeld.
Playstation 1 Superbike Racing was a very tight competition, after several tries the victory went to Matti Kuukka 1:17.3.
A special prize went to Gridgirl Johanna, for the most crashes and zero points on Atari's Test Drive game.
The motorcycle parade saw nearly a 160 bikes ride around the Imatra circuit and then gathered to the city center with IRRC riders Erno Kostamo and Juha Kallio riding at the front of the parade.
The motorclub Imatra and Imatranajo wishes to thank all the spectators, volunteers and sponsors for a succesful event! The attention shown towards the virtual races gives confidence that the Virtual Imatranajo event could become an annual event alongside Imatranajo IRRC road races.